Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's a sign, I tell you! A sign!

I am, among other things, a bicyclist, a recumbent bicyclist to be specific. At my present location there is a route I take which includes a rather large dip in the road, a sort of small valley. Climbing is difficult though not extended (this is Texas we are talking about, and you do not see any signs or advertisements anywhere stating "Ski Texas!"). On the return trip however it is a nice little fast coast to the bottom. I've gotten up to 42 miles per hour going down. This is an older, two lane road, though, so the ride can be rough. Now at the bottom of the hill there is a tree on one side of the road. That in and of itself is not unusual. No, it is the inhabitants of the tree that are of interest. A group of vultures flock in that tree. 

At the bottom of the hill. 

On a two lane rough road, lacking any type of shoulder. 

Maybe they are on to something I should know about.