Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do It Yourself War Movie: Just Add Actors and Scenery

"But, he's just a child!"

"Up, men! Time to shower, shave, shit and brush your teeth!"

"Soldier! This place smells like piss and hand grenades!"

"Here's a picture of my gal, Betty Lou. They say it should clear up in a couple of months...."

"Wow! What a set of gams!"

"We never knew what hit us!"

"Poor bastards never had a chance!"

"Bombs away!"

"This is for Billy you __________(insert racist nationalist stereotype of you choice here) bastards!"

"Fire one!"

"Those _______ (insert) bastards don't think like we do!"

"Depth charges!"

"Bail out! Bail out!"

"It's from Daisy. She's left me for a door to door cyclotron salesman."

"Hack it off! I said HACK IT OFF!!"

"Our main act got sick and can't make it tonight, but here's a nifty little gal with a lot of spunk that I'm sure you're gonna love...."

"Do it Johnny! Do it for little Billie and Uncle Joe!"

"They may have the numbers and equipment, but we have something worth fighting for !"

"Someday this will all be over, and when it is I'm going back to my worm farm in Idaho."

"...and thus history will always remember the men of the fighting 109th...."

Snare drum: Tat-tatah-tat-tat-tat-tat-tatahtatah... 

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